January 4, 2023
10 min

Top 10 Transportation Management Systems for Mid-Size Businesses in India

Mukesh Deogune

Introduction:Transportation management systems (TMS) are software solutions that help businesses plan, execute, and optimize their transportation operations. They can be especially useful for mid-size businesses that need to manage a large number of shipments but don't have the resources to do it manually. In this post, we'll take a look at the top 10 TMS for mid-size businesses in India.

1. Traqo: Traqo is a comprehensive logistics management platform that includes a transportation management system (TMS) module. The TMS module offers features such as real-time tracking, route optimization, and predictive analytics to help mid-size businesses manage their transportation operations more effectively.

2. Locus: Locus is a logistics optimization platform that includes a TMS module. The TMS module uses artificial intelligence to help mid-size businesses plan and execute their transportation operations more efficiently.

3. Trucksuvidha: Trucksuvidha is a TMS that helps mid-size businesses find carriers for their shipments. The platform offers real-time tracking, invoicing, and other tools to help businesses manage their transportation operations effectively.

4. Delhivery: Delhivery is a leading logistics company in India that offers a range of services including transportation, warehousing, and distribution. The company's TMS provides real-time tracking, invoice management, and other tools to help mid-size businesses manage their transportation operations more effectively.

5. BlackBuck: BlackBuck is another popular TMS in India. The platform offers a range of services including freight procurement, delivery tracking, and invoicing. It also has a network of over 50,000 trucks, making it a convenient choice for mid-size businesses that need reliable transportation services.

6. Shiprocket: Shiprocket is a TMS that helps mid-size businesses manage their e-commerce shipping. The platform offers features such as real-time tracking, automated shipping labels, and shipping rate comparisons to help businesses streamline their transportation operations.

7. TransportHub: TransportHub is a TMS that helps mid-size businesses manage their transportation operations. The platform offers features such as real-time tracking, automated invoicing, and load management to help businesses optimize their logistics.

8. LogiNext: LogiNext is a TMS that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to help businesses optimize their transportation operations. The platform offers features such as real-time tracking, route optimization, and predictive analytics to help businesses reduce costs and improve efficiency.

9. E-Trans: E-Trans is a TMS that helps mid-size businesses manage their transportation operations. The platform offers features such as real-time tracking, invoice management, and load planning to help businesses streamline their logistics.

10. OptimoRoute: OptimoRoute is a TMS that helps businesses plan and optimize their transportation routes. The platform offers features such as real-time tracking, route optimization, and automated scheduling to help businesses reduce costs and improve efficiency.

Conclusion:Transportation management systems (TMS) can be a valuable tool for mid-size businesses in India looking to streamline their transportation operations. The top 10 TMS highlighted in this post – Traqo, Locus, Trucksuvidha, Delhivery, BlackBuck, Shiprocket, TransportHub, LogiNext, E-Trans, & OptimoRoute

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Written by
Mukesh Deogune

From researcher to entrepreneur

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