July 16, 2023
3 min

Adani Day: Group celebrates its Foundation Day and Chairman’s birthday with members of 1983 winning team - India TV News

The Adani Group invited and felicitated members of the 1983 World Cup-winning Indian cricket team to celebrate the 61st birthday of founder Gautam Adani. The event, called Adani Day, was on 24 June and marked the 40th anniversary of the team's victory. All team members except Ravi Shastri were in attendance and shared their experiences on stage. The Group also launched a campaign to rally support for the Indian cricket team ahead of the 2023 World Cup. Adani founded the Group in 1988, which has interests in mining, infrastructure, renewable energy, and ports.

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Adhikansh Gupta
Content Manager

Writer and editor who covers the latest trends and innovations in the software-as-a-service (SaaS) industry